Hello! My name is Alex and I’m one part engineer, one part creative, one part teacher, and three parts dad and husband. And most of the time all the parts add up correctly! At home, I’m da-da to my three little ones, Nora, Shea, and Elliot. Needless to say the house is full of energy! I also go by Alex and many other names (all very positive) to my amazing and talented wife, Lauren. For the most part, I’m chasing the kids around the house, playing trumpet in my music studio, and enjoying time with Lauren post kid's bedtime!
At work, I sometimes go by financial engineer. It gives me absolute joy to use my creative talents to engineer a financial plan for my clients that is tax and investment savvy. Get this, I actually enjoy strategizing efficient retirement tax strategies and I’m not even a CPA! There likely aren’t many advisors that can make that claim! The very best part of my job is when I’m with a client and they see (and understand) for the first time a picture of their financial future with more clarity and confidence than ever before. It’s awesome when great financial planning turns into reality and clients can go accomplish their ‘bucket list’ like my grandma Boots jumping out of an airplane at age 75! This work truly is life changing!
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I hope to talk soon,