I’m thankful for each stage and transition in my life and how they have culminated in who I am and what I do today. In my wildest dreams, I could not have designed this life path any better. Who I am married to, Kim; my children and the path they each are on; the joy of grandchildren; and being able to live in our lakefront home.
Life is good. That doesn’t mean it has always been easy. But I believe the challenges overcome, more than the successes experienced, bring us the greatest fulfillment and make us who we are at our core.
Today, I help our clients best use their financial resources to live the life they most wish to live. That passion and ability didn’t come without each chapter of my life culminating in my mission today.
Perhaps you can imagine how having been a Lutheran pastor, a bequest administrator, owning a tax and insurance practice, and now for several years building a successful investment advisory firm enables me to do today what I now do for others. Long ago I rejected the product first approach so common to the financial industry. I believe keeping a focus on our client’s most meaningful life goals helps us be the advisor they truly want and need.
More than twenty-five years ago I chose not to use my last name for this company, but rather LifePlan. That was a very good decision – it’s who we are!
Talk soon,